How much do I owe?
You may call the Association Office and ask for the finance department. You may also refer to Associa Online, Resident Login, to register for Homeowner Access to Account Information.
How do I set up a Direct Debit?
You may call, or visit, the Association Office to obtain the appropriate form. You may also refer to the Forms & Applications page of this website and download the form. You can return the completed form and a voided check to the address listed at the bottom of the application.
How can I cancel my Direct Debit?
You may call or visit the Association Office to cancel your direct debit. You may also refer to the Forms & Applications page of this website and download the form.and return it to the Association Office.
How do I change my Direct Debit to a new bank account?
You may call or visit the Association Office to obtain the appropriate form. You may also refer to the Forms & Applications section of this website and download the form. Mail the completed form to the address listedat the bottom of the page.
How do I pay my bill on-line?
Refer to Associa Online Payments, click on the Resident Login in the Navigation column to the left. A service charge will be added to your payment.
How do I schedule an Orientation?
Call the Association Office to schedule a date and time that is convenient for you. The orientation takes about 15-20 minutes and you will be equipped with all necessary documentation, Access Badges and car stickers. We will answer all of your questions. Our office is open Monday thur Friday.
What are the regulations regarding trash and recycling collection? When will trash be collected on holidays?
Weekly trash collection is provided by Southampton Township. Recycling is collected by Burlington County on alternating Mondays. Please visit the Southampton Township at Southampton Township Trash & Recycling for more information.
How do I apply for a Painting Permit?
The Painting Permit application and the LeisureTowne Paint Chart can be downloaded from the Forms & Applications page of this website, or collected from the Association Office. Paint samples are also available at the Association Office. Enter all of the appropriate information, including the colors from the LeisureTowne Paint Chart. Submit the completed application to the Association Office for Architectural Control Committee approval. Paint colors submitted must have a sample attached.
How do I apply for a Building Permit for renovation to my home?
The Building Permit Application can be downloaded from the Forms & Applications page of this website, or secured from the Association Office. Enter all of the applicable information and include any colors, dimensions, drawings, photographs, or surveys. Submit the application to the Association Office for Architectural Control Commitee approval.
May I use my home as a rental property?
To use your home as a rental property you must request, in writing, permission to do so. Your name will be placed on a waiting list, if applicable, as there are a limited number of homes that can be rented. The Association will notify you when you will be able to rent your home. Lease documents are available on the Forms & Applications page of this website or at the Association Office.
What is the procedure for selling my home?
Have your realtor contact the Association Office in order to obtain a Resale Packet, or obtain it from the Forms & Applications page of this website. The resale packet contains all of the documents that are required to process the sale of your home. An exterior inspection will be performed to check for any violations that may need to be corrected.
Can I place a "For Sale" sign on my property?
No sign of any kind may be displayed to the public view on any residential lot or from within a dwelling which is visible through any window.
How many people may live in a home?
Full-time occupancy is limited to not more than three (3) eligible permanent occupants in each dwelling.
Can my children live with me?
Your child, or children, may live with you if they are 19 years of age or older. Only three people are permitted to live in the home.
How many pets may I have?
You are permitted two (2) pets per per home in LeisureTowne. That means one (1) dog and one (1) cat, or two (2) dogs or two (2) cats, and other usual household pets may be kept, provided thay are not boarded, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.
How do I get a new car sticker?
Bring your insurance card, vehicle registration, driver's license, and LeisureTowne Access ID to the Association Office. A new sticker will be issued for your vehicle.
How do I secure a parking spot in the Recreational Vehicle Lot?
Please complete the Application for Space - Recreation Vehicle Parking form, available on the Forms & Applications page of this website or at the Association Office, and return it to the Association Office. There is a waiting list for spaces.
Can I park my commercial/service vehicle in LeisureTowne?
Commercial or service vehicles, including cars that have been wrapped with advertising, are not permitted to be parked overnight in any driveway or street in LeisureTowne. The vehicle must be parked in the resident's garage or outside LeisureTowne.
How do I obtain an Access Badge?
Access Badges, photo IDs, are issued to you at Orientation. Replacing a lost badge can be done at the Association Office for a fee of $5.
How do I schedule an Special Event on the Calendar?
Complete an Event Form, found on the Forms & Applications page of this website.The Association Office will coordinate a date for your event.
How do I start a new club or activity?
Complete a New Club/Activity Request Application, available from the Forms & Applications page of this website or at the Association Office, and submit it to the Association Office. Your request will be submitted to the Board of Trustees. Upon approval, a staff member will call you and coordinate a meeting time, place and dates for your new group.
How many guests my I have at the pool?
You may have up to four (4) guests from any one household. Each guest must have a guest pass (issued at orientation - replacement passes are $1 per pass) and be accompanied by the resident to use the facilities.
May I have a copy of the governing documents?
Yes, they are available on our website. They are located under the Documents tab on the Governing Documents page.